Thursday, December 10, 2009


Here is the video I created for part of my Tech Resources final project.

The video chronicles how I use other art forms to support drama in the classroom. The primary focus is on integrating drama and dance into the classroom! :o)

The song playing in the background is "Good Morning Star Shine" from the recent revival of HAIR. I chose this song because the Pre-K students learned the lyrics as a part of their "Planets" Unit. We were able to create a movement piece to this song where the students explored their understanding of the solar system through embodying planets and stars. 9 students were planets (it's important not to hurt Pluto's feelings) and the other 11 were bright shining stars. Unfortunately, I was unable to use the "Planets" footage, because I do not have permission.

I choose to not animate the photos or add effects, because I think the images of the kids are so genuine and they speak for themselves. I differentiated between each class by adding different transitions from class to class.


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