Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shows I would like to see before Winter Break!

Hi Readers!

Below you will find a list of shows I want to see before I head back to Atlanta for the Holidays. A lot of shows are closing soon, which is sad. After finals, I definitely want to try and see as many shows as my wallet can handle (I don't really need that Starbucks, anyway.... I say this as I drink a Gingerbread Latte... Eeek). Unfortunately, my list is going to be too long for the time I have before break, but as I see the shows I will put a bolded X beside them. That way if you want an opinion on the show, you can ask me. Maybe I will influence your choice of what to see this season. Take advantage of student rush tickets while you are still a student. Support live theater and other arts by going to see a show or exhibition!!!!

_ Bye Bye Birdie
X In the Next Room (or the Vibrator Play)- Saw this one a few days ago, AWESOME!
_ A Little Night Music
_ Ragtime
_ South Pacific
X Memphis- Saw it recently. Super enjoyable! A great 60s sound!
_ The Royal Family
_ Superior Donuts
_ A View from the Bridge
X Wishful Drinking- I laughed for 2 hours straight!

Off Broadway:
_ Let Me Down Easy
X The Toxic Avenger- So fun!
_ Love, Loss, and What I Wore
_ Or,
_ Our Town
X This- It was really intense, but also enjoyable. Nice mix of serious and funny.

Visual Art:
_ Tim Burton Exhibit at MoMA
_ Georgia O'Keefe: Abstraction at The Whitney
_ Performance in Crisis Exhibition at Exit Art (SUCH AN AWESOME GALLERY. MY FAVE IN TH CITY! CONSISTENTLY AWESOME MODERN ART EXHIBITS!-The Art Historian in me does little backflips of joy)
_ Between Spaces Exhibit at P.S.1

Dance: I need to see more dance. I always go see the Master's concert at Steinhardt, but I should make an effort to see more. Dancer friends, any suggestions?
_ Alivin Ailey
_ Dance Theatre Workshop & Urban Word NYC

Music Friends: If you know of any good music shows, concerts, etc. Let me know. I really like Jazzy & Folk sounding stuff.


  1. I wish Royal Family had rush! We should go see Our Town, but we have time, it closes at the end of Jan. I want to go to the MOMA too! I'm so up to see some dance, ever since I saw that movie The Company, I'm obsessed with the lives of dancers. Here's what the play I was talking about:
    "This" was just extended til like Jan. 3rd and while I was looking for that link, I ran across this play, which looks really interesting too:

    I miss you so much Ms. McAdams! Tell Em I said Hi!

  2. Oh! I read a review of This in L Mag the other day. It was a bad review, but it soooo intrigued me. Let's go!!!!!!!! Fo reals!!! Love you!

  3. I think it's really amazing that you see so much professional theatre. As arts educators, I think it's really important that we keep in touch with the professional end of the spectrum of our work, as well as with the student and amateur work!

  4. I'm glad we went to see This. I'm happy Jones decided to come too. I didn't expect to be so intense, but I was pleasantly surprised!!
