Sunday, December 20, 2009

Websites I love!

First off, I must commend everyone in the Tech Resources class, because I loved all of your websites and it was hard to narrow it down to three.

One of my favorite websites was Sean Finan's website. I truly enjoyed his website, and I loved that there was a musical theatre through-line throughout the site. Knowing Sean personally allowed me to see that his website really does embody his personality. I think making a website that embodies who you are is key.

Another website I liked was Norah's. Norah's website is just so clean and pleasant to look at. It is not very busy, it looks classy, and it gives concise information. I also really like Norah's use of tables.

I also really like Monica's website. Her website is really aesthetically pleasing. I love her color choices and her use of tables, especially on her image assignment page. The color pencil image on her resources page is very striking.

Great work, everyone!!!

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