Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Parent-Teacher Conferences!

Today was quite a different type of day for me at my student teaching placement, the Salk School of Science. I was thrilled when my cooperating teacher asked me to join her at conferences this week, because interacting with parents is something I have not had much experience with. I was able to meet with around 15 different families today and have a conversation with them about their children. Thankfully I was not met with any angry parents today, but extremely concerned and engaged parents. It was interesting to hear the parents speak about my students from their perspectives, it certainly brought in a whole knew way of looking at things. Meeting my students' families allowed me a peek into a completely different side of them.

Today I feel I was reminded of two things I think I sometimes forget as a current middle school teacher. One, it is hard to be in middle school. Two, it is not easy being a parent.

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