Wednesday, November 18, 2009

iMovie09, not so bad after all.

Being completely honest, I was totally bummed when I was unable to get the old iMovie to download to my computer. When I was in undergrad, I did a lot of multimedia work for a show I co-directed, as well as for various events surrounding First-Year student Orientation. All of the movie making and editing I did was on the old iMovie. Boo!
I have been working on my movie for tech class for what seems like FOREVER. I have been really frustrated with the project, and I have been struggling to get it finished. To me, the new iMovie is a lot less user friendly than the old. And for the life of me, I could not figure out how to integrate the effects and transitions into my movie. I am almost finished with it, and it is because the apple website and tutorials have helped me so much. If you, like me, are struggling to make your movie happen because of the new iMovie, check out this website. It really breaks things down and makes it simple. I recommend!
Apple Website, iMovie'09, What is iMovie?

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