Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Feelings on the Blackboard System....

I have to admit, I am quite a fan of the Blackboard System. I really got used to using Blackboard regularly in my undergraduate experience, especially in my art history classes. We had threads for every reading we did for homework, and we had to post a question, a difference in opinion, or an agreeing statement to the art historian's theories we read. This was really helpful in sparking class discussion, as well as allowing all voices to be heard. Posting was a significant part of our participation great, which I think this is an excellent way to hear the thoughts and opinions of those who are less eager to speak up in the classroom.
For Tech Class, I really appreciate that the assignments are posted on Blackboard, that way I can always know what I need to do (and I can refer to it when I have questions).

iMovie09, not so bad after all.

Being completely honest, I was totally bummed when I was unable to get the old iMovie to download to my computer. When I was in undergrad, I did a lot of multimedia work for a show I co-directed, as well as for various events surrounding First-Year student Orientation. All of the movie making and editing I did was on the old iMovie. Boo!
I have been working on my movie for tech class for what seems like FOREVER. I have been really frustrated with the project, and I have been struggling to get it finished. To me, the new iMovie is a lot less user friendly than the old. And for the life of me, I could not figure out how to integrate the effects and transitions into my movie. I am almost finished with it, and it is because the apple website and tutorials have helped me so much. If you, like me, are struggling to make your movie happen because of the new iMovie, check out this website. It really breaks things down and makes it simple. I recommend!
Apple Website, iMovie'09, What is iMovie?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Missing Georgia, Sweet Georgia.

While I love the diversity and character of New York City, I miss my slow paced, twangy accented, sweet, you can find nature at every corner Georgia. Don't get me wrong, there I things I do not miss also, but I think it took me actually moving away from GA, to realize how embedded in my heart and personality it is. I miss Atlanta, which I am noticing is the slower, sweeter version of NYC. I truly have been nostalgic for my homeland recently, so I have decided to share some gorgeous pictures of my Georgia with you

Why yes there is a kangaroo conservatory in Dawsonville, GA.
Mom and I at the High Museum of Art. The terracotta army was on exhibition there.
Sorry vegetarians, but I have to include a picture of my favorite Southern food staple, FRIED CHICKEN!
KANGAROOS! The largest population of kangaroo outside of Australia. Georgia's climate is very conducive to their needs.
I was excited!
. The above picture is a picture from the World of Coke (Coke's Empire is in ATL) that my girlfriend and I created.
Agnes Scott College: Where I went to undergrad in Decatur, GA. The most beautiful campus ever.
My middle nephew, D.J., running the bases at a Braves game in Atlanta. You can see ATL in the background!
My youngest nephew, Matty, doing the same!
Flowers at my family's mountain house in the GA mountains.
My cousin and I on the deck.
GA sunset on the moutains.
The valley.
My cousin and I at the creek.

Parent-Teacher Conferences!

Today was quite a different type of day for me at my student teaching placement, the Salk School of Science. I was thrilled when my cooperating teacher asked me to join her at conferences this week, because interacting with parents is something I have not had much experience with. I was able to meet with around 15 different families today and have a conversation with them about their children. Thankfully I was not met with any angry parents today, but extremely concerned and engaged parents. It was interesting to hear the parents speak about my students from their perspectives, it certainly brought in a whole knew way of looking at things. Meeting my students' families allowed me a peek into a completely different side of them.

Today I feel I was reminded of two things I think I sometimes forget as a current middle school teacher. One, it is hard to be in middle school. Two, it is not easy being a parent.